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What Is Typhoid?

Typhoid is an infection caused by S. Typhi bacteria.

Bacteria live in people's intestines and bloodstream. After going to the toilet, you can get typhoid from a person who does not wash his hands.

When they touch surfaces and objects, they can leave behind bacteria that can pass to the next person who touches them. Animals do not carry this disease, transmission always occurs from person to person. The bacterium enters through the mouth and spends 1 to 3 weeks in the intestine. Then it passes through the intestinal wall and enters the bloodstream. It spreads from the bloodstream to other tissues and organs. The patient's immune system can do little to respond because S. typhi can live inside the patient's cells, protected from the immune system. If typhoid is not treated urgently, it can cause serious problems and can be fatal.

Intestinal bleeding or perforations in the intestine are among the most serious problems that typhoid can cause. In this case, a hole is formed in the small intestine or large intestine. The contents of the intestine leak into the stomach and can cause severe stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, and bloodstream infection. This life-threatening complication requires immediate medical attention.

What Are The Symptoms of Typhoid?

Symptoms typically begin to bacteria after 1 to 3 weeks. The main symptoms of typhoid are fever and redness. Typhoid fever is particularly high and increases gradually over time up to 40°C.
Other symptoms include:
Loss of appetite,
Weight loss.
Abdominal pain
The rash consists of pink-colored spots, especially on the neck and abdomen.
Symptoms of advanced stage of the disease are:
Psychiatric problems such as delirium, hallucinations and paranoid psychosis
Lying still and exhausted with your eyes half closed (tendency to sleep)

How Is It Treated?

When the doctor diagnoses typhoid, he/she will start antibiotic treatment. A person with typhoid needs to recover the water in their body by drinking enough water. In more severe cases where the intestine is punctured, the person may need surgery.

However, as with some other bacterial conditions, there are concerns about the increased resistance of antibiotics to S. Typhi. If the person is in the treatment process with the diagnosis of typhoid fever, he/she should take antibiotic treatment properly to prevent the spread of the disease, keep his/her hands clean and do not have social contact with other people until he/she knows that the contagion of the disease has passed.

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