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Nerve Compression

What Is Nerve Compression?

Each nerve in the body is involved in the control of anatomical and physiological functions in various regions and in the perception of sensations in these regions. When any entrapment occurs on the nerves that perform these functions on the skin surface and musculoskeletal system, abnormal electrical responses may occur instead of normal nerve functions.

Nerve compression is defined as the exposure of a nerve to pressure at a level that disrupts its functions due to tissue elements such as muscle around it. This compression can directly affect the nerves coming out of the spinal cord, as well as affecting the nerve parts in the limbs, causing complaints such as pain, tingling, loss of sensation, numbness and weakness. Arthritis and trauma are the main causes of nerve compression. Although nerve compression is usually a temporary condition, care should be taken as it may follow a heavier course in some people.

What Are The Symptoms of Nerve Compression?

Burning sensation in the affected area
Tingling condition that can be felt as a mild electric shock
Pain radiating from the pinched nerve to the surrounding area
Loss of sensation on the skin
Decrease or loss of skin sensations such as pain, warmth and touch
Development of weakness in the muscles in the affected area

What Are The Treatment Methods of Nerve Compression?

Nerve compression treatment is basically divided into two main groups as surgical and non-surgical treatment. Non-surgical treatment methods are drug therapy, lifestyle changes and physical therapy applications. It is among the lifestyle changes that can be made to avoid the movement that triggers pain, to provide ergonomic working conditions at home and at work, or to prefer jobs with different job descriptions instead of jobs that worsen complaints, and to control nerve compression. Reducing body weight in nerve compression caused by reasons such as obesity can contribute to the improvement of complaints.

Physical therapy applications aim to increase flexibility, strength and range of motion in the affected area of patients. With these applications, symptoms such as pain and numbness can also be improved. In some cases of nerve compression in the limbs, splint applications may be useful to prevent unintentionally compulsive movements while sleeping at night.

Non-steroidalanti inflammatories or corticosteroid-derived drugs are among the drugs prescribed by physicians in people with nerve compression. These drugs help reduce edema and suppress inflammation in the area where the nerve is stuck.

In advanced cases where results cannot be obtained from non-surgical treatment applications, various regional comfort surgeries can be applied. In these surgeries, the affected nerve and the point where it is affected are determined and some of the connective tissue or soft tissue in this area can be removed and the pressure on the nerve can be reduced.

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