Magnetic Resonance Imaging (Mri)
Magnetic resonance MRI imaging is a widely used imaging method. MRI imaging is a diagnostic technique that does not use tools that can be harmful, such as x-rays.
As the patient lies in a cylinder containing a magnet, radio waves are sent out, which lead to the release of energy from hydrogen atoms in the body. Information about thousands of atoms moving under the effect of magnets is sent to a computer and a cross-sectional image of the examined area is obtained in different axes. Radiologists interpret these images.
Standing still during the examination is important in terms of creating a clear image. General anesthesia can be applied to ensure immobility in children and some special patients. For a more detailed image of some areas, a fluid called a contrast agent may need to be administered intravenously.
What Parts of the Body Can Be Displayed By MRI?
Although it is possible to examine all organs in the body with MRI, this imaging method can be used especially for the brain, spinal cord, nerves, joints, breast, heart and veins, and intra-abdominal organs. It gives successful results especially in soft tissue imaging.
Hand- Wrist-Elbow
Facial Bones
Temporal region
Which Diseases Can MRI Be Used As A Diagnostic Method?
Herniated disc
Cervical disc hernia
Canal narrowing
Lumbar displacement disease
Spinal tumors
Spine-spinal disorders
Brain tumours
Cerebrovascular diseases
Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
Parkinson’s disease
What are the conditions that are not suitable for MRI?
Presence of cochlear implant or MR incompatible tube
Those with electronic drug pumps,
Those with non-MRI compatible heart valve,
Most metallic orthopedic prostheses are MR compatible. There is no danger to those who have gone through the surgery for a long time.