Pediatric dentistry (Pedondontics)
Pediatric dentistry (pedodontics) is the healthy protection and treatment of milk and permanent teeth of children aged 0-12 years. Early treatment of disorders in children's teeth during the first tooth extraction period prevents dental caries and permanent tooth disorders, irreversible tooth loss and tooth disorders in the future.
In pediatric dentistry, there are applications such as dental caries prevention procedures, treatments and restorations of decayed milk and permanent teeth, extraction of incurable teeth, placeholder applications against the negativities that may occur with the occurrence of early tooth loss, diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of gum diseases in childhood and young individuals.
Pedodontics applies various treatment methods to protect dental health by following the development of the mouth, teeth and jaw from infancy.
The main treatment methods are as follows;
• Placeholders
• Pediatric prostheses
• Tooth extraction
• Treatments for dental traumas
• Endodontic treatments
• Restorative treatments in milk and permanent teeth
• Protective measures that can be applied without dental caries
• Prevention of oral habits (finger sucking, nail biting, etc.)
Different applications are applied in the treatment of milk teeth. Canal treatments, compomer fillings, amalgam fillings and steel crowns can be applied to milk teeth. These treatments are enough for the underlying permanent teeth to function until the time of eruption.
In children, mouth and teeth are the most damaged areas as a result of accidents and traumas. Trauma to the anterior teeth usually causes the teeth to break or the tooth to come out of the bone completely. The first thing to do in such injuries is to find the tooth and gently wash it underwater without touching the root. The dentist should be consulted as soon as possible. After a proper treatment, these teeth are likely to heal back into place. Different applications can be made depending on the location of the fracture and the condition of the bone.
The treatments of our patients who cannot adapt to dental treatments due to their young age, physical or mental disability, who cannot cooperate with, who have syndrome and who come from a very far distance and need a large number of dental treatments at once are performed in the general anesthesia unit in the daily operating room within our hospital.