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Birth Control Methods

Birth control methods have been an important phenomenon in family planning of women and society since ancient times. There are different methods of birth control.

There are many different methods such as subcutaneous implantation, spiral insertion, connecting tubes or providing birth control with drugs.

Subcutaneous implant provides 99% protection in the prevention of pregnancy. In the clinical setting, a rod is placed on the inner surface of the arm with the help of a tool. This method provides 3 years of protection. Complications such as decreased menstruation and intermittent bleeding may occur.

Spiral insertion is a birth control method that is placed in the uterus by the doctor with the help of a number of tools and prevents the fertilized egg from settling in the uterus. Spiral insertion is performed in the last days of menstruation. Since the cervix is wider, the tripping process will be easier. You can come for an examination every 6 months and have the necessary controls done.

The procedure of connecting the tubes is performed by surgery. It is the surgical ligation of the fallopian tubes between the ovary and the uterus. The woman does not experience a physiological change after this operation. It is not possible to become pregnant again after the procedure. For this reason, it is necessary to make a final decision on the prevention of pregnancy.

Birth control pills are a birth control method that has an important place in family planning. The physiological structure of the woman is disrupted by giving oral contraceptive pills. In this case, the hormones given to the body increase the rate of sevical mucus and the sperm is prevented from passing into the uterus. Reproductive functions are restored after the use of the pills is stopped. It is one of the most preferred and widely used birth control methods.

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