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Nutrition For Eating Disorders

What Are Eating Disorders?

Eating disorders are chronic diseases that require long-term treatment. It is often seen together with mental disorders such as depression, substance abuse and anxiety disorders.

Its main features are that the individual sees himself/herself as fat, eating is accompanied by emotional confusion that cannot be coped with in real life, being afraid of being fat, and having physical appearance disorders related to a sharp desire to lose weight.

Eating disorders can be classified into 5 main groups:
Anorexia nervosa
Bulimia nervosa
Orthorexia nervosa
Night eating syndrome
Binge eating syndrome

Anorexia Nervosa

The body perception of these individuals is impaired, they do not see themselves thin although they are thin.
The body perception of these individuals is impaired, they do not see themselves thin although they are thin.
They eat very few portions that they are very afraid of gaining weight and they lose weight quickly. They have constipation and irregular menstruation problems, they have hair loss problems due to vitamin deficiency.
Even if they eat less, they see themselves eating too much and feel nauseous and swollen. They are hyperactive, depressed and aggressive. They do a lot of sports and exercise and move away from the social environment after a certain period of time.

Bulimia Nervosa

Unlike anorexia nervosa, they often have food attacks and eat a lot. They then expel the nutrients they eat by vomiting or with the help of laxatives and diuretics. Sometimes they become too thin or too overweight, body weight variability is observed. Especially in these people, tooth and stomach disorders are common.
In nutritional treatment, patients should receive psychotherapy together with the use of drugs. They can usually refuse treatment and should be tried to be accepted. With a balanced and healthy eating program, the eating habit should be regained.

Orthorexia Nervosa

It is a diet focused on consuming extremely healthy foods.
In orthorexia nervosa, the goal is not to lose weight.
Over time, people begin to reduce their food variety and portions. Thus, vitamin deficiencies occur in their bodies because they always consume the same foods.

Night Eating Syndrome

These people usually eat normally throughout the day. They are fed in such a way that they cannot hold themselves in the evening and night hours.
Over time, they wake up from their night sleep and their desire to eat increases and becomes a habit. Afterwards, they feel regret and their tendency to depression is observed.

Overeating Syndrome

The person cannot control the portion and consumes too much food. It also paves the way for many chronic diseases with excessive food consumption.

What Should Be Done in The Treatment of Eating Disorders?

Generally, the disorders of these people are psychologically related and should be studied together with a psychologist. The most appropriate diet should be prepared together with the dietitian.

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