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Ingrown Hair

One of the problems experienced by our patients who came to the general surgery outpatient clinic of our hospital and one of the most troublesome disorders is ingrown hair problem.

What Is Hair Return?

Hair rotation, which is called "pilonoidal sinus" in medicine, is a hair nest formed under the skin. It is the fact that the pores that allow the body hair to grow are closed and the hairs cannot come out and are buried under the skin.

This disease, which is caused by the combination of hair, fat and tissue under the skin, to form inflamed tissue, makes individuals very uncomfortable. This disease, which can also be defined as hair-filled cysts, usually occurs in the hip region. Depending on the amount of hair collected in the area, hair rotation swelling may increase. Excess weight, inadequate hygiene, sitting too much and sweating are among the factors that cause ingrown hairs. It is a more common disorder in hairy areas and the reason why it occurs especially in the coccyx area is that this area is a very hairy area.

What Are The Symptoms of Hair Return?

This disease, which does not show many symptoms at first, begins to show symptoms over time. The discomfort it causes to the person and the visible hair rotation when it grows are the main symptoms of the discomfort. Pain in the ingrowned area, inflammatory discharge, occasional bad odor, itching and burning are other symptoms of ingrown hairs.

Hair Return Diagnosis and Treatment

If hair rotation problems that can be diagnosed by physical examination of the doctor cause a lot of pain and bleeding, a blood test for inflammation may also be requested.

Antibiotic and pain medication can be used for inflammation and discharge conditions while planning treatment. Consultation may be requested from the infection department specialist. Drug injection can also be applied to the hairy area. Since hair return can be repeated in non-surgical hair return treatments, the recommended method is usually surgical interventions.

With the endoscopic method, the inflamed area is detected and burned. Apart from this, the most definitive solution, hair return surgery, is planned according to the patient's condition. Inflamed and hairy tissue is taken out and the opened incision is closed. The care of this area after the operation is very important. Creams can be used on the area, a hot shower is recommended and your area should be prevented from sweating as much as possible.

After the examination, our general surgeon will diagnose the disease and, if necessary, contact our infectious diseases specialist to plan your treatment and help you.

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