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Blood Diseases

One of the most important diseases that our hospital's internal medicine outpatient clinic deals with is blood-borne diseases. Blood is the life fluid that makes our organs and systems work.

What Are Blood Diseases?

Blood disorders include anemia, platelet deficiency, hemophilia, lymphoma, and leucemia.
Anemia is the disease that we hear a lot among the people and that we know as "bloodlessness". As a blood disease that usually occurs at birth or in adulthood or adolescence, it can seriously affect the life functions of the individual. Anemia is caused by thr deficiency of folic acid, B12 and iron. Congenital anemia is known as mediterranean anemia and develops due to genetic factors. There are varieties such as sickle cell anemia, aplastic anemia, hemolytic anemia, pernicious anemia and megaloblastic anemia.

What Are The Symptoms of Blood Diseases?

The symptoms of anemia are similar to the complaints we hear a lot in our daily life. Fatigue, dizziness, palpitations, blackout, forgetfulness, hair loss, pallor of the face, eyes and nails, cracks in the lips and lack of focus are among the symptoms of anemia.

Leucemia is popularly known as "blood cancer" and is a very serious blood disease. It occurs as a result of the cancer of blood cells that serve as blood production.

There are two most common types of it as acute leucemia and chronic leucemia. Acute leukemia is the more serious type, it is the inability of the body to produce blood as a result of the bone marrow being filled with abnormal cells. Symptoms of leucemia may be accompanied by night sweats, frequent infection, pain in the joints and bones, easily occurring bleeding in the skin, fatigue, fever and enlargement of lymph nodes.

Lymphoma is a disease known as “lymph cancer” and is caused by the abnormalization of lymphocytes, which are our defense cells. The most common part is lymph nodes. Its known symptoms are enlargement and proliferation of lymph nodes, fever, cough, respiratory problems and weight loss. Platelet deficiency, that is, thrombocytopenia, is caused by bone marrow damage or a decrease in the number and function of platelet hormones. Redness and bruising in the arms and legs, bleeding gums, nosebleeds are among the symptoms
All blood diseases can trigger each other and be the cause and result of each other.

How Are Blood Diseases Diagnosed?

In our outpatient clinic, blood diseases, namely hematological diseases, are diagnosed by physical examination, complete blood count, bone marrow biopsy, peripheral smear and hemoglobin subtype analysis.

How Can Blood Diseases Be Treated?

Acute leucemia is a serious type of leucemia and requires definitive treatment. For this type of leucemia, marrow transplantation, that is, stem cell treatments or drug treatments are applied. Treatment of chronic leucemia depends on the type of leucemia and stem cell therapy is applied for some chronic leucemia diseases.

Depending on the type of anemia, treatment modalities may vary. Vitamin supplementation is an important method for anemia and can be done by pill or injection. If the anemia is advanced, it is treated with blood or stem cell transplantation. Dietary treatment and control can also be provided for beginner-level anemias that require a regular diet.

Mild thrombocytopenia may have conditions that do not require treatment, but if severe bleeding occurs, drug therapy or blood transfusion may be required.

The recommended treatment method for lymphoma treatment is chemotherapy.

Our internists will help you by deciding on the most appropriate treatment method after applying the diagnostic methods.

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