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Allergic Diseases In Children

Allergic Rhinitis

Allergens in the air trigger the release of histamine in the body, causing a reaction in the nose, throat and eyes. Dust mites, pollen, smoke, etc. allergens come to the fore for allergic rhinitis. Symptoms such as sneezing, nasal obstruction, nasal and nasal discharge are observed. The treatment process is carried out with antihistamines, decongestants and nasal sprays.

Food Allergy

Food allergies are very common, especially in children under two years of age. Allergic reactions to foods such as eggs, milk, peanuts, wheat, some sea creatures, sesame are frequently seen. It's because an antibody called immunoglobulin E (IgE) targets the protein in its food. In allergy blood tests, IgE antibodies are detected and diagnosed. It is necessary to determine the food that causes the allergic reaction and recommend a diet.


Anaphylaxis is a serious and life-threatening allergic reaction to food. The patient applies to the emergency department with symptoms such as difficulty in breathing, dizziness or fainting, rapid heartbeat and wheezing. In these cases, a reaction to food or medicine is often detected. The treatment process is carried out by administering adrenaline to the patient via IV, IM.

Allergic asthma

In children, worsening after viral infection, wheezing, increasing cough may be signs of allergic asthma. Viral infection and allergens in children lead to damage to the lungs and lower respiratory tract. For the treatment of allergic asthma, the treatment process is carried out with antibiotics, drugs containing very low doses of cortisone, inhalation solution and nebulizer.

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