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Vertigo makes you feel like you or the objects you see around you. Generally, nausea, vomiting and balance disorders may cause this condition to occur. This disease usually causes dizziness. However, not every dizziness is vertigo.

What Are The Symptoms of Vertigo?

Among the symptoms of vertigo, especially acute ear infections, vertigo may occur with inflammation of the inner ear. The condition that causes this disease is identified and treatment is started.

What Are The Causes of Vertigo?

Although it is called dizziness in everyday language for symptoms such as fainting sensation and blackout, it is defined as dizziness in clinical sense, that is, vertigo, while the person is standing, the elements of the environment appear to be returning to the person. For example, a person who is truly dizzy perceives the objects and walls in the room as if they were spinning.

The causes of vertigo in this sense are examined in two groups.

Central dizziness: It is caused by problems in the central nervous system. In particular, dizziness caused by the brain, brain stem and cerebellum is examined in this group. Vertigo can be seen as a symptom of a number of diseases such as bleeding, stroke, migraine, tumor, multiple sclerosis (MS) that may occur in these organs.

Peripheral dizziness: Dizziness caused by the inner ear and balance nerve is discussed in this group. Peripheral dizziness, which is more common compared to central dizziness, includes dizziness caused by labyrinth and semicircular canals, dizziness caused by disorders of the balance nerve, the inability to locate stones called utricles and sacculae that provide balance, and Meniere's disease.

How Does Vertigo Go and What Are The Treatment Methods?

Benign position can be treated with vertigo type correction maneuvers with crystal play in the vertigo. There are maneuvers applied in the benign positional vertigo. It can be diagnosed with the Dix-Halpike test and corrected with the Epley maneuver.

Patients should not be given medication before maneuvers. Correction maneuvers are in the form of sessions. In the first sessions, the maneuvers are performed until the dizziness decreases. Sessions can then be repeated every 4-5 days. The duration of repetition varies according to the patient. If the dizziness is very severe and there are multiple crystal movements in the ear in several channels, drug treatment is also performed.

What should people with vertigo pay attention to?

Sleep patterns should be one of the factors that those with vertigo should pay attention to. Irregular and inadequate sleep invites people to not rest and many diseases, including vertigo. Everyone needs regular and adequate sleep.

Stress should be avoided, that is, the factors that cause stress should be removed from the person's life. It is important to stay away from stress because excessive stress also negatively affects the immune system.
With a strong immune system, it is possible to prevent many diseases related to vertigo.

For this reason, healthy and fresh foods should be consumed and excessively salty, fatty and processed foods should be avoided. The fact that vitamin and mineral values, especially vitamin D, are at normal levels also ensures that immunity is strong.

After vertigo treatment, moving sports and sudden movements should be avoided. Drink plenty of fluids, avoid caffeine-containing foods and beverages such as coffee, cola and chocolate, and stop smoking.

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