Orthodontic Dental Treatment
What is Orthodontic Dental Treatment?
Orthodontics is the specialty of the dentistry branch that tries to prevent and treat the adaptation of maladaptive and crooked teeth.
Orthodontics is a branch of science that examines the perplexity of the teeth, the relationship of jaw bones with each other and skull bones, and diagnoses the existing problems related to them. Orthodontic treatment is also a way of treating the disorders that occur in this system.
Why Do Orthodontic Problems Occur and How Are They Treated?
If the patient' the lower-upper jaw structure is behind during adolescence, treatment with orthodontic techniques is possible. If the patient is an adult, it is performed in cooperation with orthodontics and surgery. Depending on the functional disorders, jaw incompatibility may be observed in cases such as mouth breathing, for example.
Conditions that should not be done such as using a nursing bottle and pacifier for a long time, finger sucking, nail biting and habitual situations may cause orthodontic disorders. These habits should be treated as early as possible.
The prevention of these habits at an early age is important for the completion of skeletal development.
Situations such as the tongue being structurally larger than necessary, and the presence of extracted tooth cavities also cause gaping between the teeth. If the jaw structure on which the teeth are attached is small and the teeth are large; the teeth do not fit in the jaw and crowding occurs.
Early or late milk tooth loss may also cause crowded teeth. Instead of prematurely falling milk teeth, the permanent tooth in the mouth slides into the space. Since the teeth that need to come out of there cannot find a place for themselves, crowding occurs.
How Much Is It Required?
Orthodontic treatment aims not only to have aesthetic anxiety but also to prevent gum diseases that may be encountered in the future, to prevent problems in the jaw joint, to provide chewing functionality and to eliminate this problem of individuals with speech disorders.
According to the current orthodontic problem in the mouth, treatment methods can be determined with mobile appliances, functional appliances and fixed appliances. Simple orthodontic problems that are not in the advanced stage can be solved with tyre motion appliances that the patient can use by inserting and removing.
It is of great importance not to neglect reinforcement treatments to prevent deterioration. Different passive devices can be used for this period.
The branch of orthodontics works in constant cooperation with other branches of dentistry.
What Are The Tools Used In The Treatment of Orthodontics?
There are many fixed or removable orthodontic treatment devices and methods for ordering the teeth in ideal position, regulating the relationship between the jaws, and adapting the surrounding tissues and muscles to this new hard tissue structure. These devices work by applying little pressure to teeth and jaw.
Used Tools;
Transparent plaques
Moving orthodontic tools
Fixed orthodontic tools
Screwed tools
To Whom Is It Applied?
Dental braces treatment is a treatment method applied to the patients of all ages. It can be applied to women, men, young, old, children of all ages. For children, braces are applied to children who have lost their primary teeth and whose permanent teeth erupted completely.